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Full Stack Academy | Gateway To Software Industry

Module 1

  • HTML Editors
  • HTML Basics
  • HTML Elements
  • HTML Attributes
  • HTML Headings
  • HTML Paragraphs
  • HTML Styles
  • Html Formatting
  • Html Comments
  • Html Colors
  • Html with CSS
  • Html Links
  • Html Images
  • Html Favicon
  • Html Table
  • Html Lists
  • Html Block & Inline
  • Html Iframes
  • Html Layout
  • HTML Responsive
  • Html Semantics
  • HTML Forms
  • HTML Form Attributes
  • Html Form Elements
  • Html Input Types
  • Html Input Attributes & Html Input Form Attribute

Module 2

  • CSS Introduction
  • CSS Syntax
  • CSS Selectors
  • CSS How To
  • CSS Comment
  • CSS Colors
  • CSS Backgrounds
  • CSS Borders
  • CSS Margins
  • CSS Padding
  • CSS Height/Width
  • CSS Box Model
  • CSS Outline
  • CSS Text
  • CSS Fonts
  • CSS Icons
  • CSS Links
  • CSS Lists
  • CSS Tables
  • CSS Display
  • CSS Max-width
  • CSS Position
  • CSS Z-index
  • CSS Overflow
  • CSS Float
  • CSS Inline-block
  • CSS Align
  • CSS Combinators
  • CSS Pseudo-class
  • CSS Pseudo-element
  • CSS Opacity
  • CSS Navigation Bar
  • CSS Dropdowns
  • CSS Image Gallery
  • CSS Image Sprites
  • CSS Attribute Selectors
  • CSS Forms
  • CSS Counters
  • CSS Website Layout
  • CSS Specificity
  • CSS !important
  • CSS Advanced
  • CSS Rounded Corners
  • CSS Border Images
  • CSS Backgrounds
  • CSS Colors
  • CSS Color Keywords
  • CSS Gradients
  • CSS Shadows
  • CSS Text Effects
  • CSS Web Fonts
  • CSS Transitions
  • CSS Animations
  • CSS Tooltips
  • CSS Style Images
  • CSS Image Reflection
  • CSS object-fit
  • CSS object-position
  • CSS Buttons
  • CSS Box Sizing
  • CSS Media Queries
  • CSS Flexbox
  • CSS Responsive
  • CSS Grid
  • Grid Intro
  • Grid Container & Grid Item

Module 3

  • Introduction to JavaScript: Variables, Functions, data types, everything is a value, Function first-class citizens, Operators, Loops, Conditional statements.
  • Object: Objects in JS, Ways to create Objects, Reflection, this keyword, call, bind and apply methods & inheritance.
  • Advanced: Closures, this keyword, Modules (traditional and modern), Strict mode and sloppy mode & Common design patterns.
  • ES6: ECMAScript introduction, arrow functions, let and const, classes, ES6 modules, string interpolation, spread operator, destructuring arrays and objects, map, reduce and filter & commonly used ES6 feature.
  • Asynchronous JavaScript: Synchronous Javascript, What is asynchronous code, Callbacks, Promises, Async and Await & Generator.

Module 4

  • Node.js is an open-source, server-side JavaScript runtime environment.
  • It provides a set of features for building web and mobile applications, such as routing, middleware support, and template engines.
  • Node.js follows an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, making it efficient and scalable for handling a large number of concurrent connections.
  • Express.js uses middleware functions to process incoming requests, allowing developers to modularize and customize the request-handling process easily. Middleware functions can perform tasks such as authentication, logging, and error handling.

Module 5

  • Introduction to MongoDB: Overview, Installation, MongoDB as service, Creating database & Collections.
  • Operations: Read, Insert, Update, Delete, Count, Sort & Limit.
  • Operators: $eq, $ne, $lt, $gt, $lte, $gte & $in.

Module 6

  • Introduction to React: JSX, Virtual DOM, What is React, Why React, Project setup, Building and running react app.
  • Components: Component-driven development, Components basics, State, Props, Traditional Components, ES6 Components, Functional Components, Class Components & Synthetic Events.
  • Single Page Applications: Introduction to SPA, Container Components, Presentational Components, Routing & Authentication.
  • HTTP: What is REST? , HTTP request and response format, HTTP status codes, headers, and payload, Fetching data from REST API, Axios, Promises handling & Error handling.
  • Forms: Developing Forms, Posting Data & Validating Form Data.